Monday, April 20, 2015

Member family in Concepcion

¡Hola familia!
This week was a really good one but it was super tranquilo one too. Not much went on but lots of work, walking and sweating haha. Right now in the mish I'm  really getting into the groove of things, the weeks are just flying by. I can speak spanish pretty good, the lessons are good, my comp is pretty rad, my rama with all my miembros are the best in the whole world -haha. life is just really good right now I'm lovin it! This week I don't have a bunch of stuff to write about but we did have a pretty rad lesson with a member named Renalda. so i guess I'll just talk a bit about that.

This day was a really good one it was full of clouds and not as hot as it normally is.  So we went over to this member Renaldas ¨house¨ (little shack made out of mostly wood). We got sitting down and she started to tell us this super cool story about something that just happened in her life. but before I go on I wanna give you guys a little run down of this miembros life. She is like 40 year old mother of 4 kids. All boys. Rodrigo, nico, allí, and daniel. Her husband left her and she has raised all of the kids on her own. They live in a 10 by 10 foot house made out of these clay brick looking things on one wall, and the other walls made out of wood and mostly garbage. She works all day everyday just to get barley enough money to pay for their food, and on the side of her work she is studying during the nights to get a lisence to work at a better place. Since she's gone all the time her oldest kid that is 15 years has to pretty much be the dad and raise his brothers when she is gone. But for the cool story, She was having to pay money every month to pay back the money she used to buy the bricks to build one wall of her house. But for the past 2 months she didn't have any money left over after buying food to use to pay back the debt. So the people that loaned her the money were going to come and take her house if she didn't pay by this day. She told us ¨I didn't have even one guarani(money) on me for almost this whole week but I knew that somehow there would be a way to pay it, so I prayed to God all during the night before and just kept going on like normal knowing that things would work out.¨ The next day she said that one of her little kids came up to her and had 300 guaranis (the amount she needed) in his hand, and was just like ¨mom dont you need some money?¨  and she still has no idea where her little kid got the money. 

My miembros out here are some of the coolest people I have ever met. This mission really is and will be the best 2 years of my life. I wouldn't trade this expierence for the world. 

I hope you guys are all doing great back home and know that I love you all TONS!

Elder Nyberg

Monday, April 13, 2015

Still chillin in Concepcion

hola familia! 
Sooo... this week i have like 30 minutes to type all this so I'm going to type as fast as I can -haha. I had a sweet pday today we hiked all the way to the river paraguay. I got some sick pictures too. if i find a computer that will let me, ill try to send them! But..... first off CHANGES! haha. yup, there were changes this past week and................ I'm staying in my same area in concepcion but with a new comp! a little  Peruvian  named Elder Guiterrez. He's like legit 4 foot nothing-haha but he is pretty rad and the coolest part is he wants to be a chef when he gets back and he cooks soooooo goooooood;) 

But I want to share a cool story that happened this week! so this day was a super fun one... we had lots of lessons and one got a little bit crazy but overall were doing work out here! But i want to write a little about this lesson that got a little bit crazy -haha. so we were visiting this lady named Angelica Torrez and she's like super into her religion, evangelico pienso. But the last visit we had with her she had us listen to this recording of a couple people from her church who apperently were ¨killed¨ by an angel then taken to hell then brought back to life haha yeah it was pure apostasy for sure. In the reccording most the time they were just screaming at the top of their lungs HALLILUYAH(no idea if i spelled that right..) and super crazy things in spanish. Last lesson we left her a little part to read about Joseph Smith and the book of mormon. Then today we came over for another cita and after teaching her all of the restauracion, i could tell just by her face that she was having serious doubts about hearing about another book of scripture because she sure loves her bible.  After teaching Book of Mormon I asked her if she had any questions and she said ¨oh yeah I have lots, just let me go bring my bible real quick¨ So basically she was saying let me go get my bible so i can fight you with doctrine haha she had legit written papers of scriptures to bash on us. She was super closed minded and tried taking shots using different verses of scripture but the cool thing was i had studied every one of the scriptures she used and kept my cool and explained to her every single one. Then I just started going and going and man it felt like the words were just coming to my mouth, she started out super closed off saying any peice of scripture besides the bible was a legit abominacion to God but in the end she flipped a complete 180. She not only accepted a Book of Mormon and was going to read but she said when God answeres her prayers she will be baptized in the church. Yeah it was a pretty rad lesson. After I left my hands were serious shaking full of like adreniline or something haha it was crazy.

But I hope you all had an awesome week this week!

Elder Nyberg
Nate's comp. Elder Guiterrez

Monday, April 6, 2015

Conference weekend

Hola familia!

 I hope you guys all had the best easter weekend! haha cuz mine was a little bit crazy... I'll probably just talk about my adventures out here in concepcion this Easter weekend especially for confrence! 


First off conference is like Christmas for the missionarys out here because we actually get to relax and just watch the prophets and apostles all day... but my confrence was a little different....

It started yesterday for the Saturday session, we got up in the morning and I bought like 3 bags of cookies and walked an hour out to rama 3 to watch it all day. When we started walking we could tell that a big strom was coming because all the clouds and stuff were changing and it started to sprinkle. After we finally got to the church over there it started raining like crazy! and as we waited for conference to start is just got worse and worse... As we took cover in the chapel all day, we got hit with a pretty bad one. It took out all the water and light for the whole entire city and pretty much just wreaked lots of peoples houses here. 

So for Saturday we didn't get to watch any of the sessions which was kind of a bummer. We ended up walking home that night in the rain and all to our house an hour away but when we got there there still wasn't any light or water and what was worse was our phone was dead so we had zero communication haha. I just thought the power and water was going to come on during the night sometime but i woke up sunday morning and nada! haha It was pretty bad though, sunday I saw the red cross here handing out water to everyone and it was super crazy to see... these people started to turn into legit animals and they were fighting each other for water and food. it was super sketchy. Sunday was a fun day though, all the missionarys without showering and super stinky showed up at rama 3 in the morning to sit and wait in cover over there to see if the light and water would be coming back on. We just ended up rationing our cookies and little confrence food around to the people to eat and played uno all day haha. I did get to see a little part of the last session on sunday though! even though it was skipping and really bad signal the whole time. All in all I had THE BEST CONFERENCE WEEKEND EVER!!!! but really though it was great, one adventure that I'm for sure never going to forget!


I hope you all are doing great and don't forget to keep smiling;)



Elder Nyberg