This week went by soooo fast! I feel like I was just here typing you guys like doesn't even feel close to a week! But this week was a really great one, the temple trip was much needed and was such a refresher. Changes are tomorrow too..... so hope for the best! in 2 days I could be sleeping out in a little hut in the chaco, or waking up to a massive city full of people in asuncion. Fun stuff! (yeah im just a little nervous;)
Sooo temple! We left last monday and traveled for around 8 or so hours to arrive in Asuncion! We got to sleep in the hotel that's next to the temple and ohhh myyy..... I felt like I was back in the states! I had a real bed and a real mirror! We had HOT showers! I think the thing that shocked me the most was seeing one of those water knobs that has hot on one side and cold on the other like we could actually pick the tempature of the water!!! I think the only thing that was missing was a carpet floor and I would have been in heaven haha. But we woke up the next morning and got to go though one session with the mission president. This temple trip was exactly what I needed. Exactly. The spirit that you can feel in the temple is unlike anywhere else. It was really cool because the last time I went though in the CCM I couldn't understand a word of spanish. This time being able to understand it all in spanish was a really cool feeling. When I walked into the temple I was really stressed from things going on in my area, really tired and losing some of my desire to keep going strong and just completely exausted. I usually dont tell you guys really how hard it can be sometimes being in a city where no one wants to listen, it has really felt like everyone in this city vs me and my comp. Just this week alone I had one investagator burn the Book of Mormon, another got all up in my face yelling at me that I'm Satan only sent here to decieve the people and how ashamed I should be. Its been constant things like these that have made it really hard for us to keep going no matter what. After the session when I walked out of the temple I felt like everything was okay, I felt full of not only love for these people but a real desire to give it everything I have and more. Si o si strengthened my testimony of temples and how they are really the house of the Lord on the earth. Then we got to go into the chapel next to the temple and have a testimony meeting with all of the missionarys in my zone. So cool to be able to hear the testimonys of all the different missionarys that are working hard right with us out here. If there was one thing that I took with me from the temple it would be a better vision, a vision that I work everyday as hard as I can so that the people God has prepared for us can one day enter into that same temple and feel the same love that God has for everyone of us that I got to feel this day. No matter how many people want to throw things at us, spit on us or completely reject us. If the work I do in this city will bring one person to the joy and happiness that I could feel in the temple everything I have done will be worth it. Everything.
I hope you guys are all doing great back home!
Love you guys TONS!
Elder Nyberg
P.s I didnt have any time to eat my Burger King hamburger- haha but I did get to eat some Ice cream!!:)